Rosebank College Crest

Volume 10

📽️ Principal's Message

Ms Iris Nastasi


From the Assistant Principal

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Top row: College Vice Captains Elizabeth Day (Learning) and Julian O’Donnell (Pastoral Care) 
Bottom row: College Captains Stella Vardanega and Xavier Woods, College Vice Captain Emma Speranza (Ministry) 

As Semester 1 concludes, there is much to be thankful for.

We give thanks for the Rosebank community, staff, students and parents, who came together on Benedict Day in both reflection and celebration. We give thanks for Father Michael McLean who presided at Mass and for Sr Patty Faulkner who gifted us a thought-provoking homily. We give thanks for our senior student leaders for 2023/2024, who received their badges with dignity and humility, affirming their dedication to learning and leadership as role models for their peers and representatives of the College. We give thanks that we are able to share in the tremendous amount of talent woven through the fabric of our Rosebank students and staff, whether on display in the spotlight, or backstage and behind the scenes. This is Rosebank!

We give thanks to Good Samaritan Education for the staff immersion experiences we have enjoyed so far this year. Making time to focus on our faith formation through reflection, tradition and connection is invaluable in providing the necessary balance we all need in our roles as teachers and support staff in Good Samaritan education.


We give thanks for the diversity and range of opportunities which our staff have created for our students throughout this Semester and in planning for next. Whether crowning Adamson House as the winner of our 2023 Athletics Carnival, celebrating the well-deserved victory of our Senior Theatresports team, or the winter sleepout, there is inspiration and opportunity to be found everywhere.

We give thanks for the holiday break that lies ahead – a time to re-charge and for our Year 12 students to prepare for their HSC Trials. An overview of some of the College events scheduled for Term 3 are included below:

Term 3 (Monday, 17 July – Friday, 22 September)

31 July to 14 Aug - HSC Trials 
11 August  - Pupil Free Day/Staff Professional Development  
14 August  - Year 8 Reflection Day 
15 August  - Feast of the Assumption Mass 
19 August  - P&F Trivia Night Fundraiser 
23 August  - TAS/Musical/Visual Arts Exhibition Evening 
25 August  - Social Justice Day  
29 August  - Year 9 Learning Progress Meetings (LPMs) 
31 August  - Year 10 Vaccinations 
1 September  - Men Who Matter Breakfast and Liturgy 
5 September  - Year 7 Learning Progress Meetings (LPMs) 
6 September  - Term 3 P&F Meeting 
8 September  - HSC Major Works Showcase Assembly 
11 to 22 September - Year 11 Exams 
19 to 22 September - Stage 5 Elective Exams (Yr9 and Yr10) 
21 September  - Graduation Mass, Ceremony and Dinner

23 Sept to 9 Oct - School Holidays (Term 4 commences, Tuesday, 10 October)

I extend my warmest congratulations to all students, teachers and staff for their remarkable achievements and contributions throughout Semester 1. I wish everyone a safe and restful break until we come together once again.

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Mr Paul Hardwick

Assistant Principal

📷 Benedict Day

Benedict Day on Friday, 23 June

Enjoy seeing highlights from the Mass, Student Leader Induction, BBQ lunch, House fundraisers, and Benedict Day activities such as 'Rosebank's Got Talent' using the arrows to navigate through the slideshow of photos.

From the Dean of Learning


In 2023 the reporting of NAPLAN results will change. Results will now be reported against four levels of achievement as opposed to ten bands. These four levels of achievement are:

  • Exceeding
  • Strong
  • Developing
  • Needs Additional Support

The Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) have stated that the new bands provide parents and carers with a simpler way of determining if their child has reached proficiency for their year group. The standard for proficiency is set at a challenging but reasonable level. If your child is in the Strong or Exceeding category, it means they have demonstrated proficiency and that their literacy or numeracy skills are where they should be at this stage of their schooling. If your child has not yet achieved proficiency, then they will either be in the Developing category or the Needs Additional Support category.  

We have been informed that NAPLAN results will be delivered to the College early Term 3. We will subsequently provide families with their child’s results once they have been delivered as well as use the College newsletter to provide our community with an overall summary in relation to these results.

HSC Trial Examinations

The Year 12 HSC Trial Examinations will commence on Monday 31 July and be completed on Monday 14 August. The timetable has been distributed to students and further information in relation to this time period around attendance and sign in and out expectation will be communicated to students on Thursday 20 June. In the meantime we ask that all Year 12 students adopt a thorough study regime to ensure they are thoroughly prepared for their Trial Examinations.

Mr Gregory Georgiou

Dean of Learning

From the Student Leaders


On Wednesday 31 May, Lorena Mifsud (Vice Captain Ministry) and I had the privilege of representing the College by attending the annual Senior Secondary Schools Leadership Conference at NSW Parliament House. We were welcomed by numerous members of State Parliament, some including the NSW Education Minister Prue Carr and the Member for Willoughby, Timothy Charles James.

We were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to ask questions regarding how members of parliament applied leadership skills into their respective roles today. Despite their political stance, each member of parliament agreed that leadership is the act of actively serving the community - aligning with our purpose of Student Leadership at Rosebank College. We were also lucky enough to sit in during Question Time in both the Upper and Lower Houses, where we witnessed the true rowdy nature of parliament.

To conclude the day, we were invited by the Honorable Margaret Beazley AC KC to Government House. Here we were given a tour of the House that is rich in both history and architecture, having been built in 1837.

We would like to thank the State Parliament for extending the invite to the College to attend such an amazing day, the Honorable Margaret Beazley for hosting us at her house and the College for providing us with the opportunity to attend. 

Jonas Kapsanis 
College Captain

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Strathfield Girls Prefect Afternoon Tea 

On Friday, 9 June, Angelique, Lily, Zara and I visited Strathfield Girls High School for their annual Prefect Afternoon Tea. The purpose of these events are to allow student leaders from a range of schools to come together and share ideas about their own leadership experiences, as well as mingle and make new friends. Our afternoon consisted of lots of engaging activities such as speed dating, would you rather, ‘stratty roulette’, and even a scavenger hunt which we managed to win! On top of having a lot of fun, the experience was beneficial in allowing us to meet and chat to new people, seeing what other schools do differently and how we can get the most out of our time as leaders. The evening finished with a disco, the perfect way to wrap up such a great event!

Lily Hole 
Caulfield Environment Service Group Leader 


Ashfield Boys Prefect Afternoon Tea 

On Thursday 25 May, Kimberley, Kayla and I attended the Ashfield Boys Prefect Afternoon Tea. The experience was beneficial on a social aspect to ask about leadership at other schools, their nomination processes and what initiatives were created during their leadership journey.

We began with complimentary food made by their Hospitality students and commenced conversations with many of the other students. There were students from Concord High, Strathfield Girls, Blacktown Boys, St Scholastica College, Canterbury Girls and Boys. We began games of Human Bingo in order to get to know one another. Then splitting into smaller groups we listened to a guest speaker, war veteran Christopher Holocraft. He explained the importance of the leadership qualities of influence, courage and consistency.

In our smaller groups, we collaborated to create mind maps of initiatives and what it means to be a leader where we expanded on certain ideas. This continued with several group challenges to test our problem solving, intelligence, and communication skills to compete against other teams in a grand scavenger hunt. The winners won Ashfield mugs. We finished with a Kahoot, where my group won our own mugs. The day ended with socialising and more afternoon tea. The experience was very insightful to talk to others about their leadership roles and recent approaches they have taken as leaders which we could possibly incorporate within our own school.

Erika Okubo Fleming 
College Vice Captain (Learning) 

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MLC School Prefect Afternoon Tea 

On Wednesday 31 May, Luca Sabia, Lorena Mifsud and I attended the MLC School Prefect Afternoon Tea (PAT). We were amongst around 11 other schools including our sister school St Scholastica Glebe. It was a very fun afternoon filled with delicious foods and fun games. At the start of the event we played ‘Speed Dating’ to break the ice. This activity allowed us to meet and get to know all the people at the PAT in a short period of time. After this activity I felt much more comfortable and it was fun meeting people my age with similar interests, and others who study completely different subjects from me. This PAT allowed me to meet new people and make a lot of new friends. We were also put into small groups to discuss our own leadership initiatives and our various leadership roles. After this activity it made me realise how different Rosebank’s leadership system is compared to other schools. It was very interesting and beneficial to hear some of the other schools initiatives and school spirit. For example, MLC holds a weekly Friday dance party outside during lunch. These initiatives inspired me to think of things Rosebank could implement. Overall, the MLC PAT was very fun and beneficial. I speak on behalf of Luca and Lorena that we all had a great time meeting new people and discussing our role as leaders.

Angelique Lorquet 
Vaughan House Captain

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📷 CAPA News

Dance Showcase - Thursday 15 June  

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Music Ensemble Showcase - Thursday 8 June  

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Stage 5 Drama Production “Little Poppies” - Tuesday 13 June  

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Year 7 Semester 1 Arts Day - Monday 19 June  


Vote for Our Talented Students in the STAEDTLER Secondary School Artists of the Year Competition!  

We are thrilled to announce that several of our exceptional students have been entered into the STAEDTLER Secondary School Artists of the Year competition. This competition celebrates the creativity and artistic talent of secondary school students from across the country.

From intricate drawings to captivating paintings, our students have showcased their artistic prowess through their stunning artworks. Their dedication, passion, and unique perspectives are truly commendable.

Now it's your chance to show support and appreciation for their incredible work. The competition includes a "People's Choice" award, where anyone can vote for their favorite artwork online.

Voting is open from 21 June to 28 June, giving everyone the opportunity to participate. Let's rally behind our talented Rosebank artists by casting our votes and spreading the word among our friends, family, and community.

Please visit the STAEDTLER Secondary School Artists of the Year website during the voting period and make sure to vote for our incredible artists.  

Ms Aimee Leal         
Visual Arts, Photography and Digital Media Teacher  

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Year 7 Silhouette Self Portraits  

Year 7 students have embarked on a creative endeavor, drawing silhouette self-portraits filled with symbols that represent their interests and who they are. Each symbol chosen reflects a different aspect of their identity, showcasing their passions and hobbies. With thoughtful strokes and colors, their artwork becomes a meaningful depiction of their aspirations and dreams. These self-portraits offer viewers a glimpse into the diverse and unique lives of these young artists, celebrating their individuality within the classroom community.

Left to right: Oliver Lucas, Georgio Hatzigiannis, Sophia Succar.  

Mr Jack Booker     
Visual Arts Teacher

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Science News

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Year 8 Taronga Zoo Excursion 

On 21 of June, Year 8 went to Taronga Zoo, to explore animal adaptations and classification for our Science unit. Before our arrival, the students were given a booklet to note down findings. We explored the zoo in independent class groups, and had the chance to choose two animal talks. My class chose the Seal and Chimpanzee Keeper shows. Entering the zoo, we were greeted by the giraffes, followed by seals - which were my absolute favourite. We watched the seals wave, perform, swim and jump! (AND we got splashed!!) Through the performance, I learned a lot of facts about the habitat, description, etc about seals. Did you know that their flippers can support their entire body weight? The Chimpanzee Show was similar, we learned mostly about their behavior. To sum up our excursion, we visited the reptiles, capybaras, dingoes and had heaps of fun at the playground.  

Overall, the whole experience was an exciting and educational opportunity for Year 8! I hope in future years, we will have more similar excursions in which we can grow and learn while having lots of fun!

Winnie Zhang 
Year 8


Chemistry Titration Competition 

Imagine competing for how accurate and exact you can conduct an experiment and calculate its results. That’s essentially what many Rosebank’s Year 11 and 12 Chemistry students and I, as well as hundreds of other Chemistry students from schools all across the state, did at the NSW Schools Titration Competition on Friday 16 June. Throughout the term we spent weeks of PACE time, before and after school hours perfecting the act of the perfect titration. After all that tedious practice, it was time to suit up with safety glasses and lab coats and take a bus to the University of Sydney where the competition took place.

Following a long and methodological process of cleaning equipment, measuring exact measurements with stubborn pipette fillers and recording how many titres of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) are necessary to react with all molecules in 25mL of hydrochloric acid (HCl) or acetic acid (CH3COOH), a titration allows you to determine the exact concentration of an unknown substance with an acid + base reaction. The winners of the competition is the team of three whose data and calculations of the unknown concentrations of three given acetic acid solutions were the closest to the actual amount, down to four decimal places. Sounds easy enough, right? Unfortunately not, because competition points could be deducted based on trivial things such as whether or not you left your funnel in the top of your burette during the experiment, or if a button on your lab coat was left undone.

After an hour-and-a-half duration of competition, we were lucky enough to receive a highly informative and engaging hour lecture by Dr Robert Chapman, a lecturer from the University of Newcastle. He spoke about and even conducted several experiments to showcase the contributions of quantitative chemistry to the evolution of virus-detecting technologies over time, such as how chemistry and biochemical discoveries developed the ELISA test from expensive and enormous machines used to detect AIDs in the 80s, to the little Covid-19 PCR tests we now use.

Though we haven’t yet heard back about Rosebank’s results we know we didn’t rank in the top three. Nevertheless, everyone agrees we had much fun on the day and our practice really did pay off and teach us well.

This was Rosebank’s first year in the NSW Schools Titration Competition. You can be certain we’re competing again next year, and more than ever determined to win first place! 

Jasmine Azizi 
Year 11 


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TAS News


Stage 5 Textiles Technology

Recently students completed a textile item in the focus area of furnishings. They designed their own fabric, either by drawing freehand or by Adobe Illustrator. Their designs were sent to a printer who digitally printed their designs on fabric. The results were amazing. As you can see from their fabric designs and finished products, there are some very creative and talented students in Years 9 and 10.

Mrs Maree Lucas

TAS Teacher

EnrichED News

For the final edition of the newsletter for Term 2, we have student reflections on two very successful events held at the College in Week 8; Ethical Explorations Day and the Write a Book in a Day Competition.  

As we look ahead to Term 3, organisation is underway for several events. In Week 1 eight teams of four Year 9 and 10 students will attend the annual Science and Engineering Challenge, facilitated by the Newcastle University Engineering Faculty and Rotary and hosted by Western Sydney University. Students involved are reminded to work on their research and planning over the holidays, for their team’s event. In Week 2, our four Da Vinci Decathlon Teams, who have been training hard for the competition during PACE, will head off to Knox College to participate in this challenging event with hundreds of other students from various Sydney high schools. We wish them well. Students who are interested in completing a personal interest project as part of the InnovatED Program, should have completed a proposal and submitted it to Ms McArthur in the Diverse Learning Office (bottom of O Block). However, it isn’t too late yet for more information please contact Ms McArthur as soon as possible via the email below. 

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Ethical Explorations Day 

On Wednesday 14 June, Rosebank hosted Ethical Explorations Day for the third time. The theme was “The Ethics of Protest” and I would go so far as to say that this year’s day was the best one yet! Over 100 students from 10 other schools attended, and it was a great opportunity to be around like-minded people from our age group. High school students from various locations were involved — even a school from Dubbo attended! It was their second time after enjoying the day last year.

The day was divided into three sessions, the first being a presentation called “Jazz and Democracy”. It was hosted by Dr. Wes Watkins, who gave us a very eye-opening presentation about the similarities between jazz and democracy. He demonstrated how everyone’s role and contribution is important in both situations — by allowing us to play 12 Bar Blues on Boomwhackers!

The second session was made up of the Community of Inquiry, in which students were able to split into small groups with a trained facilitator monitoring the student led-discussion. We had all read a number of articles on very different kinds of protest both current and historic, before attending. It was a great opportunity to mingle with people from other schools and share ideas. After 35 minutes of discussion exploring the criteria for an ethical protest, everyone congregated in the Benedict Auditorium to relay our discussions to everyone present. It was great to see the different range of questions and ideas that were brought up about the topic “protest”.

The third session consisted of a giant ethical discussion in which all of the students participated. This involved a theoretical situation in which our imaginary society was breaking down due to the lack of funds for necessary institutions. The students had to choose whether or not to protest against the government, and the method of protest. It was very entertaining and interesting to see how opinions shifted as the imaginary society became more and more dysfunctional. In the end, about half of the students in attendance ended up in imaginary jail! 

This year’s Ethical Explorations Day was an amazing opportunity for all who enjoy deep thinking and asking philosophical questions. It allowed students from all over NSW to socialise with one another, debate and hear the opinions of people from different schools. 

Grace Lin and Isabelle Campion 
Year 11 

Below is an email received from the students at Christian Brothers Lewisham who attended the day: 

On behalf of the students of CBHS, we would like to thank you and the rest of Rosebank for inviting us to your esteemed school and allowing us to enjoy the experience. It was a fun day, and we all made many friends outside of our school. We would love to come back and have more ethical discussions. We all loved hearing from Dr Wes and playing with the boom whackers, even though at the time we didn't quite understand it, reflecting on the day, we now understand how it reflects democracy and our voices. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed Section 3 and how everyone had a voice as well as the large range of choices. We would like to thank you one more time for allowing us to understand protests and our voices in a democracy.

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Write a Book in a Day 

Last Saturday 17 June, 3 groups of 5-10 students spent over 12 long, exhausting, but fun hours in Rosebank’s SRSC preparing and participating in the Write a Book in a Day Competition. Throughout PACE this term, we have been learning new skills, as well as practicing writing stories with different parameters for characters, setting and featured words, in preparation for the day. The topics were completely random and could lead to quite strange stories such as when we had to write about a lost armadillo and the Sydney Opera House. 

Saturday was super fun!  My group stocked up on lollies and biscuits so we had enough energy to get us through the 12 hours of writing. We were then given some difficult and slightly crazy parameters where we had to create a story about a magical koala, a sculptor, a builder and a pet shop. We are all really proud of the book that we wrote and illustrated, and the money that we raised for The Kids’ Cancer Project along the way. It was an incredible experience. I would strongly recommend Write a Book in a Day to anyone who has an interest in writing! 

Leila Woods 
Year 7 (Team ZALGOK) 

On Saturday, I met in the library with my team of five people including me, and two other teams. In just 12 hours, we wrote a book composed of 9 illustrations, 24 pages, and 4341 words! It was a really fun and interesting day, filled with laughter and many great ideas. To prepare for this, we met up every Thursday during PACE lessons. We wrote a short story similar to the one we wrote on Saturday. We went through many techniques and writing styles that were necessary for creative writing. I learnt that character development and sensory language helps a lot as well. The most important thing I discovered, though, was time management. 12 hours isn’t a lot of time to write a full story. You have to plan it out, assign chapters for each person, add illustrations, and edit the story thoroughly. You have to include the breaks as well - so that means completing all that in under 11 hours. Exhausting, I know! 

There were plenty of funny moments as well as serious ones. On our way back from the bathroom at 7pm at night, my friend Bella thought it was a good idea to jump out behind a wall and scare me. It was pretty embarrassing on my part, but it was really funny and we laughed about it afterwards. Another one was when I caught my friends Maya, Faye and Allison dancing like octopuses. We decided to take a 5 minute break and dance like maniacs around the room to break the tension and relax. It was hilarious. In the end, we wrote a funny book about a genius talking seal wanting to go to school. We all worked really hard, we were all very proud of ourselves and each other. I really hope I can do this again - this was an incredible experience. 

Gemma Russell 
Year 7 (Team Blue Ovens) 

For the past term, I and a bunch of my friends participated in Write A Book In A Day, where we used PACE lessons to learn the strategies and techniques needed to sit down and create a whole book in only twelve hours. The day finally arrived on Saturday 17 June, when we were given our parameters and immediately started brainstorming for our book. Determining plot, character, setting and how we would incorporate our assigned event and special words. Further planning required us to break the plot into chapters, decide how each would begin and end, and assign writers for each one. After much brainstorming, discussion and a lot of laughs, we ended up with a hilariously funny but also emotionally charged concept.  I enjoyed the collaborative aspects of the day, being able to bounce off others’ ideas and create a book that we all loved and agreed on. It was a wonderful opportunity to experiment with our imagination, test our limits and develop our writing skills; all for a very good cause. The hardest part of our day was definitely towards the end, after being exhausted by the rest of the day’s events and crashing after eating too much sugar, we had to race to complete the editing, insert the illustrations and provide a cover and a blurb to finish it all off. Overall, it was an amazingly wonderful experience that I, along with my whole group, will remember for many years to come. 

Ella Nicolas 
Year 11 (Team Rose Booquettes) 

In addition to preparing for and completing this competition, students have also raised over $4000 for The Kids’ Cancer Project. Please note that fundraising for this event remains open until 30 September.  More information and an opportunity to donate can be found here:  

Rose Booquettes:


Blue Oven: 

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Ms Cheryl McArthur

Gifted Education and iThink Teacher, EnrichED Program Facilitator

Professional Learning at Rosebank

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Supporting Lifelong Learning and Early Careers Teachers at Rosebank

Rosebank College is committed to the continual growth and development of its educators to provide the best learning opportunities for all students. All staff members regularly participate in professional development to ensure currency of knowledge and to constantly upskill. The College also recognises the rich experience and expertise of teachers who are in leadership positions, HSC markers, textbook writers and also lecture at university to act as mentors for those early in their careers.

On Friday 16 June, teachers who started with Rosebank College over the last two years were given the opportunity to learn from some of their experienced colleagues to help further their practices in the classroom.

Dominic Wan, Assistant Head of Diverse Learning, Linda Busetto, Acting Head of O’Connor, and I shared our experiences and most valuable strategies that are evidence-based and practice - strategies utilised in a classroom on a daily basis.

Our early career teachers collaborated with each other, brainstorming features of a learning culture, where all students can engage and have a voice, which they then shared with the group.

Rosebank College has a series of workshops planned as part of the Professional Learning calendar, where teachers from across the College collaborate and share practice, steeped in our Benedictine tradition and Good Samaritan Education values.

Ms Aditi Kataria

Coordinator of Induction, Practice and Accreditation

McLaughlin House Update

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Archie Marshall of Year 8 (MCL MS3) was recently part of the team that won the Rugby Union Under 14 State Championships held in Dubbo over the long weekend.

Archie was part of the Northern Suburbs representative team that defeated the ACT Brumbies development team in the grand final 22 - 17. Archie scored the try that clinched the win in this match!

Earlier in the competition, Archie also scored a hat trick against Randwick. He has proved himself to one to watch out for in the future of Australian Rugby!

Congratulations to Archie on his great success!

Mr Mark Zilich

House Coordinator - McLaughlin

📷 PACE News

Click here to view full Rep and Club Sport results (Term 2)  

SCS Conference Finals Results 

On Thursday 21 June, our Term 2 Representative Sport teams competed at the Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) Conference Finals in a bid to be crowned the best Catholic school in Sydney. The teams displayed excellent dedication and teamwork throughout the whole term and are to be commended on their commitment to success. Congratulations to the following teams:

  • Girls Junior Netball - 1st (Conference A-grade Champions!) 
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  • Mixed Junior Netball  - 1st 
     Mixed Junior Netball.JPG
  • Boys Junior A Netball- 1st 
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  • Boys Senior Netball - 1st 
     Boys Senior Netball.jpg
  • Girls Junior Soccer (B-grade) - 1st 
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  • Boys Junior Soccer (B-grade) - 1st 
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  • Girls Senior Netball - 2nd 
  • Girls Junior Soccer - 2nd 
     Girls Junior Soccer.JPG
  • Boys Junior Soccer - 2nd 
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  • Boys Senior Soccer - 2nd 
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  • Mixed Intermediate Netball - 3rd 
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  • Girls Intermediate Soccer - 3rd 
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  • Boys Intermediate Soccer - 3rd 
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  • Boys Junior B Netball - 4th 
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  • Girls Intermediate Netball - 4th 
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Athletics Carnival Results 

Last week we brought an eventful term to a close by coming together for the Athletics Carnival awards presentation. Congratulations to all participants, record breakers, Age Champions and especially to Adamson House for taking home the win! 

Age Champions: Clancy Norris, Marcello Furnari, Amelie Wardle, Jude Kalotheos, Raquel Boswell, Archie Marshall, Bianka Pavela, William Wendt, Bianca Alvarado, Roman Judd, Zara Lockhart and Lukas Schepers. 

Ms Annalisa Di Bella     
PACE Coordinator (Representative Sport)

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Career Pathways


Year 10 Work Experience reminder  

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Thank you to the students who have organised their compulsory work experience for the week of 16 to 20 October and to the parents for their support. The range of experiences organised are befitting of the diverse interests of our Year 10 students.

Please be reminded that the due date for outstanding forms is 21 July. The forms are highlighted in the Work Experience tile on Exchange:
1. Work Experience Contact Details Form (Google form)
2. Student Workplace Learning Record (hard copy submitted to the Careers Office)

Students unable to meet this deadline will be required to attend support sessions on Monday afternoons in Term 3 during which Pathways and Partnerships staff will be available to assist with finding suitable work experience employers.

Mrs Angela Pavicic     
Pathways and Partnerships Coordinator

Alumni Spotlight

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Alumni Spotlight - Emma Donnelly 

Rosebank is delighted to share the wonderful achievement of 2022 alumni, Emma Donnelly, who has signed with National Collegiate Athletics Association USA Division 1 Iona Gaels Women's Basketball team.

Emma’s sporting aptitude was prevalent during her time at Rosebank, where during her final year at Rosebank, Emma was Hayes House Captain. Emma was selected into the NSWCCC Basketball team, NSW All Schools Basketball Team, and recognised for her outstanding performances by receiving the NSWCCC Blue Award. She also received the Year 12 Major Awards for Senior Sportswoman Award and Overall Sporting Commitment Award.

Emma’s star has been slowly rising for some time. She was an amateur player for the Hoops Capital club in WNBL23, and last November she was offered a position with the Sydney Flames, which she just completed her first season for.

Speaking on signing with Iona, Emma says “I am very excited and thankful to get a scholarship in the US. The chance to play basketball in America with such amazing facilities, awesome coaches and really tough competition while also meeting people from all around the world and getting a degree, is such an amazing opportunity and I can’t wait to make the most out of it.”

As well as her strong play with Norths in NBL1 East, Emma credits the Flames with making this opportunity possible. “My time at the Flames helped me get ready for college as it exposed me to high training workloads and expectations when I was at school doing my HSC,” said Emma, who helped the NSW under 20 women’s side claim gold at the recent national titles.

“This meant I had to learn to create a good balance between basketball and study and always put in 100 per cent on the court no matter what is happening in my personal life – as I know I’ll be very busy at college.

“My overall goal is just to come back a better, stronger person than when I left and give it my all so when I finish college I can play return and play professional basketball because that’s my dream.”

Emma will head to the US in July. Congratulations and best wishes Emma! 

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Mrs Tina Carbone

Community Engagement Liaison