Rosebank College Crest

Diverse Learning

Supporting learners in all their diversity

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Identifying and supporting students with additional educational needs is integral to Rosebank College’s learning culture.

We consider ourselves a flexible and inclusive learning community that reaches out to others in prayer, practice and perspective. At Rosebank, we have programs and experiences that cater for all students’ learning needs. This includes students with a disability, high potential learners, students experiencing difficulties acquiring literacy and numeracy skills, and students from non-English speaking backgrounds. The Diverse Learning department oversees staff professional development and development of specialist programs for students in these areas.

The Diverse Learning Team:
  • Collaborates with parents, students and staff to create a Personalised Learning Plan for students with a disability 
  • Promotes inclusion through the support of teachers in catering for students with a disability or additional learning needs 
  • Assists teachers to make amendments to resources, class work and assessments to suit the individual needs of all students 
  • Facilitates small group assistance programs focusing on class work and assessment tasks 
  • Provides Disability Provisions for internal and external examinations 
  • Facilitates Social Skills Intervention programs 

EnrichED, the College’s high potential learner program, consists of the InnovatED, InspirED and iThink modules, designed to challenge, motivate and engage learners identified with high potential in Years 7 to 11. 

English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)

EAL/D students are assisted through: 

  • Additional support in the classroom to access the language demands of subjects 
  • Access to withdrawal literacy support, if eligible 
  • Subject-specific vocabulary and comprehension work within the classroom 
Literacy & Numeracy

Students in Years 7 - 10 receive targeted support based on their needs.

The College offers more intensive support for students who need it through smaller sized English and Mathematics classes. These are taught by Diverse Learning teachers in Stage 4, and Literacy and Numeracy interventions in Stage 5, to assist students with the minimum HSC standards for Literacy and Numeracy. 

High Potential Learners
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